Spry Constance
Från skolfröken till societetsflorist.
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Blomsterpionjär. Skapade ett nytänkande i blomstervärlden. 1930-talets blomster-rockstjärna. Känd för sin bibel i kokkonst för medelklassens hemmafruar, "The Constance Spry Cookery book". Klädde sig i Schiaparelli. Umgicks i kretsarna kring fotografen Cecil Beaton, Oliver Messel (den främste inom scendekor på 1900-talet) m.fl . Gift, men hade ett förhållande med konstnärinnan "Gluck". Det påstås att hon hade ett förhållande med författarinan Virginia Wolf. Öppnade blomsterbutiker. Startade blomsterskola. Författare till en hög med blomsterböcker. Connie Spry och hennes liv i The Surprising Life of Constance Spry av Sue Shehard.
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" How was it done? What were the strange flowers and leaves? Nothing like those they were used to seeing. It was so new, so orignal: the combinations of surprising colours and blending of the materials-flowers, leaves, branches and berries-with a liveliness and freshness of line that broke att the strict rules of flower arranging. Every week new and breathtaking compositions appeared, and shoppers would press their noses against the cold window panes, discussing and arguing" The surprising life of Constance Spry
Atkinsons |
för Atkinsons parfymeri på Old Bond Street, London på 1930-talet. I denna klassiskt pampiga miljö gjorde Constance blomstersuccé. " Theatrical floral tableaux".
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" The starting point of her philosophy was that wild flowers and weeds could be pressed into service, just as much as a tuberoses. One could indeed spend a fortune. One could also spend next to nothing. This was the source of her popular appeal."
Askungesaga i blomstervärlden. Rekommenderar den verkligen. Inspirerande och spännande.
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"One arranges flowers as the spirit moves you, to obey some inner prompting to put this colour with that, to have brilliance here, line there, a sence of opulence in this place or sparseness in that; to suit your surroundings, your mood, the weather, the occasion. In a word, to do as you please, just as, if you could, you might paint a picture." Connie Spry